No not really! Yesterday I was supposed to run 8 on the trails with my DRC group on the trails out by White Rock Lake (running mecca in Dallas) at Norbuck Park. This is usually my hardest run of the week. It is a two mile loop dirt trail around the park with a ginormous hill rignt in the middle. As hard as it is doing it in 90 degree Dallas heat is killer!
Kendall had swimming lessons close to downtown yesterday afternoon, so Dee had this
great idea that I could bring her to his Crossfit workout and then he would take her home and I could go to the lake and run. I had already told him last week that this was the only day that I needed him to come home after work and not go the gym. After about fifteen minutes of watching double unders and power cleans, Kendall had had enough. Dee couldn't believe she didn't want to stay and watch. REALLY! I mean every 4 year old I know is into Crossfit! So we packed it up and came home so that I could do my 8 in Chicago, no I mean our neighborhood. When we moved to Forney three years ago, I would never have believed that there could be a place that was so windy. We live in what I call the "open prairie" where there is a contant 20 mph breeze. It is insane!! It was a good thing I had to do 8, because when it was over, I was too tired to be mad at Dee and his stupid idea!
Kendall's mad face |